Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Opposites - IF

(click image to enlarge)

The first thought that entered my head for opposites was oxymoron. And what better oxymoron then Jumbo Shrimp. Yum!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sacrifice - IF

(click to enlarge the image)

So how do I explain this one... It's an inside joke between myself and my cousin which developed during a search for a new car for me. Judging trunk space we came to ponder whether it was big enough for the piglets, sacrifical alter and ceremonial axes. How did we come to this? Don't ask... I guess you had to be there. Regardless, it was a natural choice for me to illustrate for this week's topic. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Skyline - IF

(click the image to enlarge it)

I created this image for a children's book illustration class I took a few years ago. I was assigned The Princess and the Pea.

"There were princesses enough, but he found it difficult to make out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not quite right."

Monday, July 03, 2006

Sticky - IF

This week's is entitled Sticky Buns

Ok, sorry, I know, this is really bad, but I'm sure the girls can agree that whenever we eat sweets it goes right to our butts and thighs.

Happy IF!